Moisture content distribution through a batch — type bin was investigated. A batch — type dryer is one mostly used in northern Iran (Mazandaran). The dryer bins (inside dimensions) were 7 m long, 2 m wide and 0.8 m in depth. The inside of the bin was divided into 16 cells with four regions apart from the burner and four depths. Nine drying periods were employed. The bin was filed with rough rice and while being dried, samples were taken (in nine different drying periods) from all the 16 cells with a hand operated sampler. A randomized complete block design (with two factors of region and depth) was used for each period of drying time. Therefore, the three factors in the design were period, region, and depth. Three similar bins were used to account for repetitions. A new Duncan multiple — range test of analysis of means was applied for the regions, depths, and cell. The results showed that variation in moisture distribution was significant indicating that warm air was not distributed uniformly. At the end of the drying period, average moisture content in four depths, from top to bottom, and at the four regions was 6.67% with a 0.2 1% of standard deviation.