The crossability including both progamous compatibility and postagamous compatibility was investigated between Aegilops spp. And Taestivum. Aegilops species with different genome constitution such as Ae. Tauschii (DD), Ae. tunbellulata (UU), Ae. triuncialis (CCUU), Ae. columnaris (MMUU), Ae. cylindrica (CCDD) and Ae. crassa (DDMM) were used in reciprocal crosses with Triticum aestivum (AABBDD) var. Chines spring, Mahuty, Mahdavi and Roushan. Immature embryos were excised and grown in vitro using embryo rescue technique. The interspecific cross breedability was estimated in progamous and in embryogenesis stages. Agilops × Triticum hybrid plants were successfully produced in crosses of Triticum aestivum var. Chines Spring with Aegilops species of Ae. columnaris, Ae. tauschii Ae. triuncialis and Ae. umbellulata. The highest number of hybrid plants was produced using Aegilopses as female parent. Ae. columnaris and Ae. triuncialis produced a higher number of hybrid embryos than the other species of Aegilops. Embryogenesis was normal in crosses of Aegilops species containing U genomes, Ae. columnaris, Ae. triuncialis, and Ae. unbellulata indicating that the U genome may play a role in normal embryogenesis of the zygotes formed.