

Heritability and genetic correlation coefficients were evaluated for single cocoon weight(sew), single shell cocoon weight(ssew) and cocoon shell percentage( csp) traits in four commertial varieties of silkworm. Also realized heritability was estimated for ssew. Heritabilityt h2) of ssew for varieties 101,102,1.03 and 104 were 0.27( :to.058), 0.48 (:to.080),0.39( :to.070) and 0.36( :to.O66) respectively. Also h2 of sew for these four varieties were 0.39( :to.074 ),0.34( :to.080),0.50( :to.082),0.38( :to.068) while h2 of csp were 0.16( :to.040),O.:. 7( :to.O67),0.26( :to.053) and 0.25( :to.050) respectively.
Realized heritabili"y 01 ssew obtained from one-way selection for these four varieties (v/ith tlh' same order) 'verf' O.16_,0.465,0.284 and 0.369. Heritability of sscw for female was more P::)Dounced than for male but h2 of sew for female was lower than tha_ kir J-. ,.:.1:', Genetic correlation coefficient of sew
and sscw was high(O.-:-.::t0.O40).
