The effects of temperature (40, 45, 50 °C), solute concentration of sucrose and glucose solutions (50, and 70%) and different amounts of sodium
chloride (0.0, 0.5 and 1 %) on kinetics ,)f osmotic dehydration of Golden Delicious apple. as a model fruit were studied. The results showed, that the
soluble solid uptake rises with increase in temperature and solute. concentration of osmotic solution in a linear and exponential form,
respectively. Also, the addition of sodium chloridc causes a decrease in the soluble solid uptake and an increase in the rate of the process. On the other
hand, the efficiency of the osmotic dehydration in 70% (W/W) sucrose solution decreases with an increase in temperature. Finally, the highest
efficiency and rate of osmotic dehydration. is related to samples exposed to 51Y1c (W/W) sucrose solution, containing 1 % (W/W) sodium chloride.