

Variation of HMW - glutenin subunits was studied in 116 accessions of Triticum tauschii (2n=2X=14) from different countries using SDS - PAGE. A wide variability for HMW glutenins was observed and fourteen Glu-Dt1
subunit combinations were found among differernt accessions. Possessing 12 allelic variants, the accessions from Iran showed the highest polymorphysm. Two new allelic variants (2 + 10.3 and 5.1 + 11) were recognized. 2 + 10 and 5.1 + 11 with 33.6 and 0.9 percent had the highest and the lowest relative frequency, respectively. The results provided no proof for the allelic adaptiveness of seed storage proteins. High variability and having subunits
whi<;h do not exist in hexaploid wheat indicates that T. tauschii accessions can be used for enhancing the genetic variaion of bread wheat.
