

To study the effects of four rations with varying dietary cation-anion balance(DCAB), 10,20,30 and 40 meq/100 g dry matter (DM), in three-four
week period, four block (three cows Perblock) design DM intake(DMI), milk yield, fat, protein, lactose, non-solid milk fat and pH of blood and urinc, 12
early lactating Holstein cows in a balanced change-over design were uscd. DMI was linearly increased by increasing DCAB(P corrected for 3-5 and 4% fat) of cows which were fed 30 meq DCAB ration was higher than the other rations(P ration contained 10, 20, 30 and 40 meq/l00g DM were -_. H). 3.25, ._.(J_, :md 3.33 percent and 0.744,0.754, O.7R9 and 0.771 Kg/tL respcl (:,,' \, ! !-,,' rnilh.
protein means for the rations \verc 2.95, 2.99.. 2.f.:_. :.: 'J(, ;0'1 ,
tlld O. 7 L_.
0.696. 0.733 and 0.6R9 Kg/d(P Lit-non solids for the rations( i (J. i
:ii.11i IIh'q'IOU!..'. DI\1) were S.f>9. S.67.
S.51 and .,\,'=;(, :l':,\I\..:ctl','h. The uf hie"
7"r: 7 41 ! and urine (KOf.:-K22) or
cows incre,lscd IF 'i'.!('aSiIH2 DCAB(P (1)/1 LI! 1'11 nL: _o nJi.'q J OO_. D;\{
