

This investigation was conducted to determine the chemical analysis of bitter vetch bush and seed by proximate analysis of feed. In addition,
digestibility coefficient of dry matter and nutrients of bitter vetch seed were measured by in-vivo method, using Mehraban sheep. Three farms at three areas
(Hamadan. Malayer and Asad abad) were selected. Length and chemical analysis of bitter vetch bush were considered at three stages of growth (initial
llowering, full flowering and ripening times). Statistical analysis of data revealed that, bush length, dry matter and bush crude fiber increased by age,
but this trend had the adverse effect of crude protein percentage. The average dry matter in Malayer bitter vetch was from 22 in initial flowering time and increased to 23.5 and 27.82 in full flowering time and ripe niny time
respectively. Bush Crude fiber percentage of Malayer bitter vetch at three stages of growth was 28.28, 27.58 and 24.97 percent respectively. Significant
differences (P<0.05) were shown between flowering and ripe seedtime in three areas. Bush crude protein of bitter vetch was 23.44, 19.66, and 18.660/0 in three stages of growth respectively. The chemical analysis of crude protein
(CP), crude fiber (CF), crude fat (EE), nitrogen free extract (NFE), ash and organic matter (OM) of bitter vetch seed were 22.21, 7.75, 2.43, 63.64, 3.97 and 96.03% respectively. Dry matter and nutrient digestibility of vetch seed
were measured at three areas. Five Mehraban mature male sheep with maintenance ration were used. Ration included 70% of bitter vetch seed
mixed with 30% of alfalfa. The digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, CF,

EE and NFE of Malayer bitter vetch seed were determined without interaction between bitter vetch seed and alfalfa as (82.60, 85.37, 71.12, 68.58,
69.41, 90.04%) and with interaction (79.77, 81.44, 70.80, 64.35, 67.65, 88.06% respectively). No significant effect have been found between these
mearurments. Total digestible nutrient (T.D.N) unit feed (V.F) of Barram and Lara and metabolisable energy were estimated for bitter vetch seed.
