

In this article, 25 species , divided in 9 families and 2 classes, are presented , Most of those species come from the Persian gulf , the Indian ocean , the Philippines , the Mediterranean sea and the China sea . It deals with the collection of the Museum of the Faculty of Agronomy . There, it is out duty to honour Honorary Professor Afshar ,s work, of the University of Tehran , who has determined up to the family , rost of samples and has made ‘mention of places of gathering which has been particulary useful for us . In this determination, we have follawed Wenze ( 1938-40 ) and A.France ( 1960 ) , for Mollusca of the Persian gulf , - Tadjalli- Pour ( 1974 ) , and for the Caspian sea ( 1977 ) . The results of this classification and determination of Mollusca of this Museum follow
Class : Polyplacophora Gray , 1821
Order : Ischnochitonina Bergenhayn , 1930
Family: Chitonidae Guilding , 1829