

Bezostaia wheat grown in four locations of Iran was studied for its protein and amino acid composition. The locations studied had no effects on protein content of whole grain and flour fractions of this wheat. The protein content of the wheat from all locations measured 13. 26% in grain and 12.68% in flour. The concentrations of all the amino acids including the essential amino acids of both whole grain and flour from different locations were significantly different. The whole grain from Urmieh contained the highest amounts of lysine and threonine when compared to other locations. The flour fractions of wheat from the same region also contained the greatest level of threonine and those from Savojbolagh showed the highest amounts of lysine. The essential amino acids of both whole grain and flour from different locations averaged to 38.36 and 37.04 percent of the total amino acids, respectively.The grain and flour from Savojbolagh region with respective values of 39.75 and 41.18 percent essential amino acids contained the highest amounts of these amino acids as compared to the other locations.