In this research project the side effects of Hydrogenated oil (Having Palm-oil) consumption on total lipid of LDL levels in Human blood was studied .Thirteen men were selected and Fed according to age, weight, height and activities with foods containing Hydrogenated palm oil (22/9% palmetic acid)for 16 days. To verify the results of the experimental research. multiple range test and T-Test was used. The result of the blood analysis have shown that the LDL cholesterol was increased averagely. from 89123 ± 16/3 1 mg/dl to 132/53 ± 25/99 mg/dl at the end of (experimental ) peroid .Was less than five percent which was not significant.but the LDL chiosterol was more than five percent wich could be considered significant at the day of 16 th. Results indicated that there was an increase in LDL content (43,30 mg/dl) after 16 day experiment .Total cholestrol was also inctreased during this peroid. For comparsion , seven men , according to their age, weight ,height and activities, were selected and fed with foods containing corn oil for 16 days. The results of blood analysis in this group indicated that HDL cholesterol was increased from 50171 mg/dl to 66/57 mg/dl at the end of the period comparision made between men’s total cholesterol of two different groups. The results have shown that HDL for those were fed by corn oil was not signidficant for the 1th and 8 th days of experiment but the HDL was significant after 16 days of experimental period.The results of the experiments have shown.
I - The consumption of the Hydrogenated oil containing palm oil should not be recomended.
2 - For most people specially for those with high LDL. the consumption of corn oil should be recomanded.
3 - Stric tregulations for importation of palm oil should imposed and their should be caused in hydrogenated oil