Phytophthora erythroseptica is a soil borne fungus that causes root,.crown rots and tuber pink rot of potato and other plants. Invitro the effect of few isolates of Trichoderma investigated, using several methods. In double culture method it was proved that all isolates of Trichoderma were able to colonize and prevent growth of the pathogen, Colonies of the P. erythroseptica colonized by Trichoderma placed on PDA contains 5 PPm benomyl showed that 2 isolates of T. harzianuin and 1 isolate of T. koningii completly eliminated the potential of mycelial growth of pathogen.
Culture filterate of T. viride completly innibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen. Volatile metabolites of T• viride (2 isolates), T. koningii and
T. harzianum (2 isolates) reduced mycelial growtn of the fungus pathogen from 3 to