

Furrow irrigation is one of the most common methods of surface irrigation . In recent years , researchers and designers have shown much interest to use computer models in order to design and simulate surface irrigation systems . The kinematic wave model is one of the surface imgation models, which with its simplicity , is still able to evaluate and simulate furrow irrigation hydraulic on sloping fields with qood accuracy. The more sophisicated surface irrigation models, such as hydrodynamic and zero inertia , because of their complexity , are only used on research levels.
The acccuracy of prediction of surface irrigation models are highly dependent on the accuracy of prediction of infiltraion equation parameters. In this study, the kinematicwave
model was evaluated under three new methods of determining the Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration equation parameters , which are recycling furrow infiltrometer , volume balance , and singh and Yu model. The simulation of the kinematic wave model for different furrow irrigation fields and comparisons with the field measurements showed that the kinematic wave model with infiltration equation parameters developed from the volume balance method has the best res’jlts compared to the other two methods.