

In order to investigate the longevity and reprouduction of Russian wheat aphid on wheat varities, There has been Sellected 13 Varities of wheatas: Argentine, Dastjerdi, Zarand .Rashid, Shahi.Azar. AdleGhadim,Adlejadid, Khalig , Naz,Sefideh, Darab and Ghods.
The plants were grown in plastic pods filled with vermculite soil, in greenhouse condition (20-25c and 75% R.H) After 30 days first instar nymphs were placed on a single leaf of each varieties each experiment was replicated four times. Over the diuration of study (6 weeks),longevity and reproductive data were recorded weekly.
The results showed that the longevity of aphids on all varieties were the same, but reproductive pertormance were significantly reduced on some varieties as Shahi and Sefideh.