The purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution pattern of agricultural holdings by size in 1361 (1982) in Iran and compare it withl35l(1972). The reason for selecting these two years is that in 1972 the land reform by the previous government was ended, also in 1982 the turbulance in land ownership system which came about after the Islamic revolution had come to an end (despite the fact that the issue of landownership has not been solved formally yet). Also,since the FAQ has conducted similar research for 67 countries, therefore the results of this study can be compared with those of the FAO research.
In 1972 average holding size was about 6 hectars which reduced to 5 hectars in 1982. This decline in the size of the average holdings was due to the breaking of the large holdings.
The Gini coefficient for both years was estimated, but it did not show any significant changes for the period. This indicates that the Gini coefficient is not always a reliable index of concentration.