

Chickpea blight (Ascochyta rabiei)causes serious damage in different parts of Iran,particularly in the areas with high humidity.The Pathogen causes lesions on leaves,pods and stems of infected plants.
Different methods for preventing the damage caused by this fungus were investigated and the following results were obtained:
1— Use of certified seeds (by removing small infected and shrinked seeds)and seeds treated with Thiabendazole , Benlate and Daconil are recommended.
2— Deep plowing the infected residues after harvest will destroy the fungus.
3— In humid areas with heavy rain, the damage could be reduced by proper planting dates. In some areas late planting after spring rainfall is recommended to avoid sever infection
4— Chickpea cultivars responded differently in resisting to the pathogen.The resistant lines (e.g.12—071—O6625) are black seeded and suitable for areas where sever infection is expected.
5— Spraying with 0.2 of Maneb,Zineb or Captan with ten days intervals in areas with sever infection control the fungus effectively.