Experiments were conducted to study the effect of temperature (0° c, 2°c,4° c, and room temperature), physiological stages of harvesting (open and bud stages ), and chemical treatments (Su , 8-HQ, Ag, STS, and water) on the characteristics of carnation cut flowers, using factorial arrangements. Beijiki standard carnations were obtained from a greenhouse in Mahalat province or grown in the greenhouses of the Department of Horticulture , College of Agriculture , Tehran University, Karaj, Iran. Cut flower longevity , fresh weight and percentage of sucrose were measured and the data statistically analyzed. Silver thiosuiphate at the rate of 500 mg/lit and 8-HQ at 600 mg/lit in combination with 1% sucrose significantly increased the longevity of cut flowers. Flowers were stored best at 2°c with logevity of cut flowers
significantly improved. Interactions were measured and found significant when the flowers were cut at bud-stage kept at 2°c and treated with the STS and