To identify the tylenchs associated with fruit trees, 140 soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of several fruit trees in Jiroft area (Kerman province, Iran) in 2001-02. Nematodes were extracted from soil by sieving and through centrifugal sugar-flotation method. The specimens were killed, fixed by hot solution of formaldehyde, glycerin and acetic acid, (FGA; 4:1:1), processed to anhydrous glycerin by the modified Seinhorst method (De Grisse, 1969) and then examined by light microscopy. The following 34 tylenchid species belonging to 19 genera were identified:
18- Geocenamus brevidens 1- Aphelenchoides asterocaudatus
19- Geocenamus rugosus 2- Aphelenchoides bicaudatus
20- Helicotylenchus multicinctus 3- Aphelenchoides limberi
21- Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus 4- Aphelenchoides spicomucronatus
22- Hemicriconemoides chitwoodi 5- Aphelenchoides subtenuis
23- Hirschmanneilla gracilis 6- Aphelenchus avenae
24- Hoplolaimus indicus 7- Basiria berylla
25- Hoplolaimus seinhorsti 8- Basiria tumida
26- Irantylenchus visinus 9- Boleodorus thylactus
27- Paratylenchus coronatus 10- Criconemella xenoplax
28- Pratylenchus neglectus 11- Ditylenchus myceliophagus
29- Pratylenchus Thornei 12- Filenchus andrassy
30-Psilenchus hilarulus 13- Filenchus facultativus
31- Psilenchus hilarus 14- Filenchus misellus
32- Seinura demani 15- Filenchus polyhypnus
33- Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi 16- Filenchus vulgaris
34- Tylenchulus semipenetrans 17- Geocenamus alboranensis
Four species, namely Hirschmanniella gracilis; Hoplolaimus seinhorsti; Paratylenchus coronatus and Hemicriconemoides chitwoodi were new to nematode fauna of Iran, while Filenchus polyhypnus being recorded for the secound time in the country. Their morphological and morphometrical characteristics are described.