In this research the effects of dehydration by hypertonic solution of 80% glucose syrup and 10% sodium chloride on shelflife of dried kilka were studied. Changes of T\7N3, PV4, total count of bacteria and organoleptic properties of the samples were assessed for 120 days. Changes of TVN , PV and total count of bacteria were 9.2 to 25.2 mg/lOOgr, 0/65-4/6 1 meq/kg and 2.2 x iO to 6 x 103N/gr, respectively.On the other hand the changes of TVN, PV and total count of bacteria for the control sample were 43.2 to 58.8 mg/g 2.6 to 10.55 meq/kg and 3.8 x iO to 8 x 103N/gr. Tests were made on organoleptic properties of the dried kilka sample. Tissue texture showed no change, but scores of taste and smell decreased from 7 to 5 and 5 to 3 during 120 days of storage.