The main purpose in this study was to assess the farmers’ perception toward adopting and utilizing pressurized irrigation systems in the province of Kermanshah. The design of the study was a descriptive-correlational one that was carried out through a survey method. The population of the study consisted of all farmers who had adopted the irrigation system on their farms, but somehow, at some point they had quitted and abandoned the system. One of the objectives of this research was to investigate and identify the obstacles and problems that caused farmers not to continue utilizing the irrigation system on their farms. A total of 171 farmers were identified in the province having the aforementioned characteristics. By a complete randomized sampling technique, 88 farmers were selected for the study. The results indicated that almost half of the farmers’ perception toward utilizing the persurized irrigation system was either “positive” or “relatively positive”. This indicates that the other half of the farmers’ perception was either “negative” or “relatively negative”. The result of Bivariate Corrolation indicated that shortages and limitation of water affected farmers’ perception negatively (r=0.264; p=0.00). There was a statistically significant relationship between farmers’ annual income and their perception, as well as, between their level of technical information and perception toward utilization of pressurized irrigation system (r=0.221; p=0.038). The result of Multivariate Regression Analysis indicated that 29% of the changes in farmers’ percetion (R2=0.29) was due to their cultivation methods, level of technical information, as well as their wheat yeild. This shows that there are substantial amounts of variance in farmers’ perception toward utilization of irrgation system that are due to variables not having been identified in this study, which in turn could be the subject of further research.