The Identification of Students’ View about the Major Elements of Teaching Quality Evaluation Mechanism and the Estimate of Effectiveness of Selected Variables Affecting Their View at Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University


The objectives of this study were: describing the importance of designing a desirable mechanism for faculty members, teaching quality evaluation by students, an estimation of effectiveness of selected variables (gender, year of student admiltance, type of admission, and field of study) on students’ view during ranking of 34 indexes of current evaluation forms at universities and also identifying the students’ view concerning major elements of evaluation mechanism (reliability and validity of current evaluation forms, necessity for formulating different forms of evaluation based on field of study, educational level and type of currieulum for,an employment of learning-center instead of teaching-center approach in evaluations, as well as finding the most proper scales of evaluation). Data were collected by a semi-open questionnaire and reliability of questionnaire was estimated by using Cronbach’s Alpha (approximately 0.87). SPSS statistical software was employed to describe and analyze the data. T and ANOVA were employed to test research hypotheses. Results indicated that all variables except the type of admission, had significant effects on students’ views while ranking the indexes. A high percentage of the respondents (80%) agreed with formulating different evaluation forms and substituting learning-center approach by teaching-center approach Also 72% of the respondents believed that reliability and validity of the current evaluation forms are acceptable and Likert’s five alternative scale was selected as the most proper scale. Finally, the implications of research findings were discussed.
